

Kayla Blanch

855 N. Resler Ste C
El Paso, TX 79912

Office Phone: 915-833-6111

Mobile Phone: (801) 703-7552

E-mail Address:

Hello! I am Kayla Blanch, Mother of three daughters, Wife to an Army Soldier and full time Real Estate Agent! I love assisting people in investing in themselves through Real Estate! I am licensed in Texas and Washington allowing me to network in several states. I am a bit of a nerd, I enjoy reading and collecting books, trivia, plants and gardening. I love cooking food and eating it. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to be a part of Sandy Messer & Associates and look forward to assisting in making the buying and selling experience in El Paso an amazing one!

Please fill out the form below to contact Kayla Blanch.

Open Houses

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